We are a company that invests in Biodiverse Productive Forest aiming to create environmental, social and economic value through the revaluation of Natural Capital.
Natural capital is the support for life on the planet. Air, land, water, and all the biodiversity are the elements that not only constitute it but also generate a flow of benefits. These benefits are the ecosystem services that fulfill provisioning, regulating and cultural functions.
The increasing desertification of rural areas and the phenomenon of fires that affect Portugal every year contribute to the degradation of the rural landscape and its ecosystems. Motivated to find a long-term solution to this problem, we created Antarr. Its mission is to develop a biodiverse productive forest project, restoring ecosystems and raising Natural Capital value.
Our success is about reducing the risk of fire, by increasing the quantity and quality of ecosystem services and forest products.
We have defined 5 strategic pillars that guide our activity
01 Planning at the Landscape Scale
Ensure a diverse and mosaic landscape making it more resistant and resilient to forest fires and enhancing ecosystem services.
02 Fire Risk Management
Adopt risk management strategies for rural fires that restrict their occurrence and mitigate their consequences.
03 Biodiversity and other Ecosystem services
Diversify ecosystem services by selecting species and uses according to local suitability. In this way, the restoration and conservation of biodiversity, the protection of water and soil, and cultural and local services are ensured.
04 Carbon Sequestration
Promoting the potential of forest ecosystems to generate high levels of carbon sequestration, playing a key role in mitigating climate change.
05 Productivity
Ensuring adaptable forest management by integrating technology and innovative methods. In this way, we can ensure greater productivity and increase the value of the chain of forest-based products.
and defined performance objectives that will help us guide our action
Using grazing, planting fruit trees, and other elements, we create a mosaic in the landscape that reduces the risk of fire and increases biodiversity.
Increase the diversity of forest species, limiting the use of those most susceptible to fire.
Diversifying land use ensures a higher level of biodiversity and, consequently, better quality carbon sequestration.
Combining woody systems with agroforestry systems ensures greater forest diversification and a lower risk of fire.
Opt for adaptive forest management to strengthen the role of forests in preserving water courses and improving soil quality.
Diversifying species enables greater adaptation to the characteristics of each area and a greater variety of products.
Antarr seeks to be a reference in the territories where it operates, creating a positive socioenvironmental impact that is reflected in its landscape and its development

Carbon, Climate, and Soil
Reduce the risk of fire through discontinuity zones, less susceptible species to fire, such as hardwoods with long growth cycles, and increased forest surveillance

Preservation and water quality
Adopt the best available techniques adapted to soil water conservation. Install protection zones in permanent and temporary waterways and restore riparian galleries and wetlands

Culture and recreation spaces
Think of forest spaces and their surroundings not only as potential tourist and recreational spots but also for the enjoyment of communities.

Local Impact
Ally environmental preservation with the local economy, fostering job creation and the need for labor, based on a very long-term management commitment and on perennial forest masses.
Antarr was born from the will of two promoter entities:
Efanor Investimentos-SGPS
Efanor is a family-owned company that places social and environmental impact at the same level as economic objectives. It has a long history of connection to the forestry sector and the will of the founder to invest in Forestry.
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
The Foundation is a perpetual institution of Portuguese nationality with charitable, artistic, educational and scientific statutory aims. It is committed to full independence and preservation of its heritage, and its main priority is defined as the development of a society that provides equal opportunities and that is sustainable. The Foundation believes that responsible investment is achieved through the integration of ESG criteria in investment decisions, a practice it considers compatible with its fiduciary duty and philanthropic mission.