Carvalhais common land project

The Carvalhais common land project, which covers an area of 520 hectares under a contract for the assignment of operation on the land with Carvalhais and Candal Parish Council, represents Antarr’s first step in its commitment to recovering natural capital by mitigating the risk of fire, recovering productive potential and restoring ecosystems.
In addition to the afforestation of 200 hectares with pine and cork oak trees, which will be completed this autumn, this project includes vegetation management interventions to mitigate the risk of fire, silvicultural interventions to improve the existing stands of maritime pine and oak, and the restoration of the extensive network of riparian galleries throughout the area.
The landscape-scale planning approach adopted by Antarr will result, in the case of the Carvalhais project, in a fourfold increase in Forest Production areas – typically occupied by maritime pine, cork oak and chestnut trees, among other species – a threefold increase in Conservation and Biodiversity Promotion areas – riparian galleries and oak woodlands – and a doubling of fire protection areas. The final planning of the property will be characterized by an occupation in which the production function represents only 50% of the total area, with 30% of the area set aside for conservation and 13% for protection.
Currently, Antarr has several projects in the licensing process and expects to submit more licensing applications for newly contracted areas very soon.